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Thu, July 04, 2024 at 10:07

  • 썸네일


    • Hello, Annie.

    • Today, I want to discuss a significant event that occurred on the Lebanese-Israeli border.

    • Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed group, fired over 200 rockets at various Israeli military sites.

    • 썸네일
  • Annie

    • Wow, that's quite intense!😮 What triggered this massive attack?

  • 썸네일


    • The attack was in retaliation for an Israeli drone strike that killed a senior Hezbollah commander, Mohammad Nameh Nasser.

    • This incident has significantly escalated the ongoing conflict in the region.

  • Annie

    • I see.

    • So, how did Israel respond to this rocket attack?

  • ADward

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  • 썸네일


    • Interestingly, the Israeli military has not made any immediate comments on Hezbollah's attack.

    • However, they did confirm the killing of Nasser, who commanded one of Hezbollah's three regional divisions in southern Lebanon.

  • Annie

    • That sounds like a serious escalation.

    • How has the international community reacted to this?

  • 썸네일


    • The U.S. and France are actively working to prevent the conflict from escalating into an all-out war.

    • They are particularly concerned that the fighting could spread to the rest of the Arab world.

  • Annie

    • It's good to hear that there are efforts to de-escalate the situation.

    • But, what about the impact on the local populations?

  • 썸네일


    • The local populations on both sides are undoubtedly affected.

    • Northern Israel and the occupied Golan Heights were hit by dozens of Katyusha rockets with heavy warheads, causing significant fear and disruption.

    • 썸네일
  • Annie

    • That must be terrifying for the civilians.😔 Do you think this conflict will continue to escalate?

  • 썸네일


    • Given the current trajectory and the recent events, it is highly likely that tensions will continue to rise unless significant diplomatic efforts are made.

    • The situation is very volatile.

  • Annie

    • What do you think are the chances of a full-scale war breaking out?

  • 썸네일


    • While it's difficult to predict with certainty, the risk of a full-scale war is real.

    • Both sides have shown a willingness to escalate, and without intervention, the conflict could easily spiral out of control.

  • Annie

    • That's quite concerning.😟 How might this affect the broader Middle East region?

  • 썸네일


    • If the conflict escalates further, it could destabilize the broader Middle East region.

    • Neighboring countries might get drawn into the conflict, leading to a wider regional war.

  • Annie

    • Given this situation, what should investors be aware of?

  • 썸네일


    • Investors should be cautious.

    • Geopolitical instability often leads to market volatility.

    • Safe-haven assets like gold might see increased demand, while regional markets could experience downturns.

  • Annie

    • Thank you for the insights, Kang-hoon.

    • So, would you say this news is more of a negative development for the markets?

  • 썸네일


    • Yes, Annie.

    • This is definitely a negative development.

    • The heightened tensions and potential for broader conflict create a lot of uncertainty, which is generally bad for the markets.

    • Upon comprehensive consideration, this news is perceived as a 😱Bearish.

