
특허받은 AI 모델로 검증된 SIGN을

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Mon, May 27, 2024 at 05:41

  • 썸네일


    • Hello, Annie.

    • Today, I want to discuss a significant event that took place at Myeongdong Post Tower in Seoul.

    • The KFTC and OECD held a conference on 'Generative AI and Competition Policy' on the 27th of May.

    • 썸네일
  • Annie

    • Oh, that sounds interesting!😊 What exactly is generative AI?

  • 썸네일


    • Generative AI is a technology that generates new content through analysis and learning by artificial intelligence based on various types of data such as text, images, and videos.

  • Annie

    • I see.

    • So, who attended this conference?

  • ADward

    • Hold on! Behold, an advertisement awaits. Legend has it that clicking on this ad will make the AI server even smarter... 😅

  • 썸네일


    • The conference was attended by high-level officials from various organizations, including Korea Fair Trade Commissioner Han Ki-jeong and OECD Competition Commission Chairman Frederic Jenny, as well as experts from academia and the private sector.

  • Annie

    • Wow, quite a lineup!

    • What topics were discussed?

  • 썸네일


    • The conference was divided into three parts.

    • The first part focused on the role of competition policy in generative AI supply chains, discussing potential risks, responses from Korean and Japanese competition authorities, and policy implications.

  • Annie

    • That sounds comprehensive.

    • What about the second part?

  • 썸네일


    • The second part covered competition issues and strategies related to data in AI models.

    • It discussed the importance of data in AI-based models, solutions to competition concerns arising from data, and policy directions for competition authorities.

  • Annie

    • Data is indeed crucial.

    • And the third part?

  • 썸네일


    • The third part discussed competition in cloud computing services and AI, including potential market distortions related to cloud infrastructure services, competition concerns, and policy implications.

  • Annie

    • It seems like they covered a lot of ground.

    • What did the KFTC Chairman say in his opening remarks?

  • 썸네일


    • KFTC Chairman Han Ki-jeong emphasized the need to prevent market participants from engaging in unfair behavior and to create a foundation for fair competition.

    • He highlighted the importance of the conference in laying out the direction of competition policy.

  • Annie

    • That's a strong statement.

    • Did he mention anything else?

  • 썸네일


    • Yes, he also mentioned the KFTC's current AI policy paper and expressed hope that it would help increase predictability for innovative companies and establish a fair competitive order in the AI field.

    • 썸네일
  • Annie

    • Interesting.

    • What did the OECD Competition Commissioner say?

  • 썸네일


    • OECD Competition Commissioner Frederic Jenny emphasized the need for balanced regulation to foster innovation while ensuring market fairness.

    • He highlighted the new competition concerns arising from the growth of the digital sector.

  • Annie

    • Balanced regulation sounds essential.

    • What are the next steps for the KFTC?

  • 썸네일


    • Based on the discussions at the conference, the KFTC will explore ways to promote competition policy in the rapidly changing era of generative AI.

  • Annie

    • So, Kang-hoon, do you think this news is good or bad for the market?

  • 썸네일


    • I would say it's a mixed bag, but leaning towards a negative impact in the short term.

    • The emphasis on regulation and competition concerns could create uncertainty for companies operating in the AI sector.

    • This could potentially slow down innovation and investment as companies navigate the new regulatory landscape.

    • Upon comprehensive consideration, this news is perceived as a 😱Bearish.

