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Sun, June 30, 2024 at 00:03

  • 썸네일


    • Hello, Annie.

    • Today, I want to discuss a potential crisis in the U.S. housing market that could have long-lasting effects.

    • 썸네일
  • Annie

    • Oh, that sounds serious.

    • What's happening exactly?🤔

  • 썸네일


    • During the pandemic, the Federal Reserve reduced interest rates to zero, leading many homeowners to lock in very low mortgage rates.

    • Now, more than half of mortgages have real interest rates of 4% or less.

  • Annie

    • Wow, that's quite low!

    • But how does that lead to a crisis?

  • ADward

    • Hold on! Behold, an advertisement awaits. Legend has it that clicking on this ad will make the AI server even smarter... 😅

  • 썸네일


    • The issue arises because current mortgage rates for new buyers are around 7%.

    • This disparity discourages existing homeowners from moving, causing stagnation in the housing market.

  • Annie

    • I see.

    • So, people are just staying put in their homes.

    • But why can't they just build more houses?

  • 썸네일


    • Building new houses in the U.S. is costly.

    • Unlike in some countries, U.S. housing consists mostly of single-family homes that require extensive infrastructure like water, sewer, and electricity, making it expensive.

  • Annie

    • That makes sense.

    • But what about the financial institutions?

    • How are they affected?

  • 썸네일


    • Financial institutions are in a bind.

    • They hold a lot of these low-interest mortgages.

    • With current interest rates at 7%, these institutions are essentially losing money on their investments.

  • Annie

    • Oh no!

    • So, what happens if they can't sell these mortgage bonds?

  • 썸네일


    • If they can't sell them, they face significant financial losses.

    • This situation is similar to what happened with Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), which went out of business due to similar issues.

  • Annie

    • That's alarming.

    • Could this lead to a broader financial crisis?

  • 썸네일


    • Indeed, it could.

    • According to Bank of America, the stagnation in the mortgage bond market and housing market could last up to a decade, even if the Fed cuts rates.

  • Annie

    • A decade?

    • That's a long time.

    • What does this mean for the average person?

  • 썸네일


    • For homeowners, it means they are likely to stay put and not sell.

    • For potential buyers, it means higher mortgage rates and difficulty in purchasing homes.

    • For financial institutions, it means potential instability.

  • Annie

    • So, is there any way out of this situation?

  • 썸네일


    • The only potential solution would be a significant drop in interest rates, but even that might not be enough to turn the market around quickly.

  • Annie

    • This sounds like a ticking time bomb.

    • What should investors do?

  • 썸네일


    • Investors should be cautious.

    • The current environment is risky, and the potential for financial instability is high.

    • 썸네일
    • It's best to avoid heavy investments in mortgage bonds and related financial instruments.

  • Annie

    • Thank you for the detailed explanation, Kang-hoon.

    • So, in your opinion, is this news a positive or a negative for the market?

  • 썸네일


    • Unfortunately, Annie, this is definitely a negative.

    • The potential for a prolonged period of stagnation and financial instability is too significant to ignore.

    • Upon comprehensive consideration, this news is perceived as a 😱Bearish.

